As always, the Janome was buzzing with people looking for new sewing machines and checking out our ever changing samples for sewing inspiration.

6600p has been a popular machine since it's launch a few years ago, ideal for heavy weight sewing with it's strong motor and fast stitch speed, but wonderful for quilting with the extra big sewing space, and perfect for bridal and dressmaking alike.

FM725, commonly known as an embellishing machine, goes from strength to strength. This machine is all about surface decoration... and there are no rules! Ideal for using up old knitting yarns, scrap fabric, old jumpers and chiffon scarves.... and the range of wool and silk roving on the market is huge!
Sandra Colleridge made the most of the samples on this display, and the bag on the bottom left is made by
Sheila Smith, the well known author of Embellish, Stitch and Felt (where a couple of my embellisher makes are in there as well!)
Sue Munday is another Textile Artists who loves her Janome machines. This sample above was created using the
MC11000SE, with designs she has created on our Digitizer MB software. Also mixing in free machine embroidery and a bit of embellishing... a real mixed piece.... I love it!

Janome MB4, is a fully automatic four needle embroidery machine, ideal for those wanting to set up a small embroidery business from home. The range of hoops allows you to embroider little items easily, can you spot the little teddy t-shirt and beanie hat?

Our gorgeous
Horizon has just celebrated it's one year birthday in the UK! It was first shown at Sewing for Pleasure in 2010. One of my personal favourites, this machine is wonderful for all types of sewing.... huge space for quilting, built in Acufeed (type of walking foot) for bulky fabrics, straight stitch needle plate converter for precision sewing, fantastic selection of contemporary decorative stitches for all your crafty projects! And a great looking machine as well!
Check out our
website more information on Janome machines, and to see where we are exhibiting in your area... chick
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