On Saturday 3rd September, the new Janome Horizon Memory Craft 12000 was launched at the Janome Institute at The World Marriot Resort in Orlando, Florida. Hundreds of Janome dealers from around the globe had been invited to see the unveiling of this fantastic new machine, and none of them were disappointed with what they saw!

From the UK we took a selection of our best stockists, including Couling Sewing Machines, Cresswell Sewing Machines, Exeter Sewing Centre, Hobkirks, Sew Creative, Sew Devine, Sewing Machines Direct / SM Sewing Machines and Woking Sewing Centre.

The Janome Institute 2011 took over the conference centre at the World Marriot Resort, and hosted numerous workshops for dealers to learn more about Janome products, from technical training, machine training, embroidery design software, accessories and overlockers, to lectures on Sales and Marketing and working with social media.....

.... and of course, the new Horizon Memory Craft 12000! Our new top of line machine is stunning...huge 11" sewing arm, 9mm wide stitches and big embroidery hoops! The machine is launched to the public on the 1st October, and to see the Horizon Memory Craft first in the UK, come and visited our stand at the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace 6th -9th October.... and prepare to be impressed!!! To see more about the new features, check out it's very own website
Anne White, our Janome UK Educator, taught some creative classes during the Institute, including Circular Sewing Kit, using the Circular Attachment and the Bias Binding Foot, and also Janome Banner using some Janome Applique techniques.

Sham from SM Sewing Machines / Sewing Machines Direct, and Ian from Sew Devine, really enjoyed their time in Florida, and can be seen here enjoying one of many Janome lectures.

Jim, from Woking Sewing Centre and Graham from Cresswell Sewing Machines, had a wonderful few days in Orlando, and can be seen here having a look around the Janome Exhibition....

.....before heading off to another Service Course, this time overlockers!

It's not all work during the Janome Institute for our stockists, Janome UK hosted a fabulous evening just for the UK dealers to get together and discuss the new machine... as well as enjoy a few glasses of wine! Above, we can see (from left to right) Ruth Cox, Janome Regional Sales Manager, Pam and Lisa from Sew Creative, Anne White, Janome UK Educator, David and Janet from Exeter Sewing Centre, and Carol and Stephanie from Couling Sewing Machines.

And lastly, a photograph of Anne and I during the lauch evening of the new Horizon Memory Craft 12000. We are all smailes at the thought of our new machines waiting for us when we get back to the UK! And with that note, I need to sign off and get back to my 12000.... lots of gorgous samples to make for the UK launch at Alexandra Palce in a few weeks time!
For more information, check out the following links,
on the new Horizon Memory Craft 12000Janome Sewing Machines and to find a local stockist.
Couling Sewing Machines in LincolnCresswell Sewing Machines, Mansfield Rd, Nottingham. NG5 6BH
Exeter Sewing Centre in Exeter
Hobkirks in Blackburn and Bury
Sew Creative in Cambridge
Sew Devine in Reading
Sewing Machines Direct /
SM Sewing Machines in Wrexham and London
Woking Sewing Centre in Surry
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